Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Darksiders Project Progress.

So it occurs to me that, with classes back in action, I probably won't have time to finish this project, which is a shame, but it'll definitely be good summer work, in any case. In the first image below, I basically fused all of the qualities of the three previous weapons together that people said they liked the most, since no one could give me a definite "that one is the best" response. I really liked the way it turned out, until I received various critiques on the proportions of the weapon and distribution of color. The second image below is the 3rd and probably final iteration of the hammer before I'll take it into Maya and Zbrush to bring it to life. The only tweaks I might make would be very minor, like adding more girth to the top of the handle or elongating a beak or two.

So... enjoy that!

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