Monday, May 13, 2013

So... we're done with that, I guess.

THAT was fun. Like... I mean... yeah. I don't quite know why but I was just thoroughly entertained the whole time. I'm beginning to think I might just be a fan hand-painting things. Anyway, here it is!

Friday, May 10, 2013

First low-poly character... still counts as a first, right?

More progress on my still-unnamed hoodoo doll. Texturing'll be tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get a majority of it done, if not all. Let's see if that practice with the swords helped at all!


(note: obviously this isn't how the UVs will be; it's just how I'm leaving them for tonight)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Second sword... took longer.

Reasons for this taking two days instead of one:
1) changed the design a few times
2) couldn't get colors right
3) computer blue-screened and corrupted the PSD (I'm lucky I managed to save the 1st sword)
4) I wasn't following a tutorial for this one
5) I was having a lot of fun with it, so I wanted to take my time

Reasons for lack of process:
1) forgot

Here it is, though:

 (design inspired by this unused blizzard concept)

Total polycount for both is probably... what, 950? Something in that neighborhood. And the texture's sitting at a nice 512x512. I'm pretty pleased with these, really. See you guys soon for more low-poly madness!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Surprisingly fun day of learning.

Tried out some low-poly swordin'. Not bad for a day's work / first time if I do say so myself. Sword itself isn't very big; I think it's just over 400. The texture is 512x512. I would've tried to make it a 256x256, but as you can see, I'm planning on putting both swords' textures on the same map (note: this is solely because these swords are practice for me -- were they in-game assets, I'd go with the separate maps).

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Summer... time for some projects?

Well, the first thing I'm taking care of is a character I'd been interested in since mid-Game Design 3. Long story short: voodoo doll. Short story long: ask Fernando; he came up with the back stories. This'll be my first super-low-poly experiment, so I'm declaring right now that I'm going to keep this little guy under 1,000 tris and I'm going to try to stick to that. For textures, I'm shooting for a 512, but if I CAN get it down to a 256, then that'll be great, too. Time limit: hopefully under a week.
