Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to Slay Your Leviathan.

Hey guys, today I'll be showing you a little something I threw together this morning that took about four and a half hours from start to finish (I was going for four, but things got a little buggy towards the end). I learned more than I thought I would from this, mainly a lot about prefabs and how to appropriately use "relative to initial" movement tracks in matinee. Anyway, check it out!
Oh, also, this was for Game Design 3. I'm basically proving that I can make what we're pitching, which is a game about climbing up onto giant sky-things and killing them. Hurrah!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Next project: Brutal Jak & Daxter.

Howdy. Today, I'm gonna show y'all the first look at my next 3D project, which takes place in the Jak & Daxter universe, but seen in a style similar to that of Brutal Legend.
Here we've got the production painting from my "Drawing for Animators" class, along with an overhead map and a rough storyboard for how I plan to handle the camera for the environment's presentation.

 And here, the rough blockout of it in UDK.

That's all for now, I'll be back soon!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oh yeah, youtube can come too.

Almost forgot about this: it's on youtube as well.


Realistic Reveal: Assault on the Fire Nation Palace

Well folks, it's done. It might not seem like much to you loyal readers (approx. 1), but this... this took a lot out of me. After a whole month of desperately fighting to work this up to my standard of quality and trying to work in a team of four artists with radically different styles, it's finally, finally over. Here are some stills and progress shots!
And here we have the finals. Two and two, beauty shots n' contact sheets.
Picture dump over -- see you guys later for Fantastic Environment progress. Get pumped for Jak and Daxter meets Brutal Legend! In THREE DIMENSIONS! --Will